Jill's story

"Once I made time for Livewell's exercise classes, there was no stopping me!"

Client Jill with advisor Kirsty

Jill three stone lighter with advisor, Kirsty

46-year-old Jill from Draycott is our August Client of the Month.  Nominated by her advisor, Kirsty, Jill has lost three stone and dropped three dress sizes in her year on Livewell’s weight management programme.  She’s discovered exercise she enjoys through Livewell’s classes and the Move IT Month Step Challenge.

Working long hours in front of a computer is commonplace for many but Jill (a supply chain manager) found her inactive lifestyle, tucking into crisps and chocolate from the office vending machine, picking up a chippy tea on her way home and feeling exhausted watching TV on the sofa, was having a detrimental effect on her health. 

Transforming the way she lives; Jill now prioritizes her health for a better work-life balance so she can fit exercise and meal preparation into her busy days.

Jill reveals why she joined Livewell and the steps she’s taken to turn her life around.

“I’ve tried various diet clubs over the years, but none of them made a lasting difference.  It came to a head when extra menopause weight gain meant I couldn’t put my shoes on.  Upset at how out of breath and immobile I’d become; I went to the doctors, and he took blood tests and referred me to Livewell.  

Nothing to lose

When I got the call to book into the new starter groups last August, I felt I had nothing to lose. Advisors, Kirsty and Niamh run the Mackworth group, and their friendly smiles and welcoming approach put us instantly at ease. It didn’t take long to feel comfortable talking and listening to everyone’s similar weight loss struggles.  

Each weekly session combined a themed healthy eating workshop with a circuits-based class - a brilliant introduction to exercise.

Learning about calories, portion control and how to spot hidden sugar and salt were amongst the biggest game changes for me.  I switched high fat meals and unhealthy snacks for homemade high fibre, veg and salad packed ones like homemade chilli and stir-fry dishes.  Fish is my new go-to since learning about the health benefits of oily fish.  I realized I didn’t really eat it often but now love it!

Making time for me

Deciding to invest fully and give everything a go, I started to finish work at a reasonable time a few days a week. 

During my year I’ve tried Move and Tone, Weekend Workout, Dance IT and Boxwell which I enjoyed so much that I bought my own gloves.  I also use the gym at Derby Arena for extra strength and cardio work outs.  I would never have set foot in an exercise class without this experience and I’m excited to join the ones at Derby Arena as part of my future routine.

The Menopause Workshop, one of the optional wellbeing workshops run during the year, was really informative, and I would urge any ladies that are going through it, or even if you’re unsure, to sign up.  It opened my eyes to the way I have been feeling and talking to a group of others that are experiencing the same things amazed me just how much I didn’t know.

The support of other people on the programme is fantastic.  I met a couple of lovely ladies (Beth and Kelly) and we’ve remained friends since the start, encouraging each other through the tougher times.

Life changing health benefits

The Move IT Month Step Challenge in April started a healthy walking obsession, and I cannot stress what an amazing effect it has had on my life.  The accountability of reporting my weekly step count to Kirsty spurred me on – roping in colleagues for regular lunch time strolls and lengthening my daily dog walks to romps across the fields.  Aiming for 50k a week at the start, I was soon smashing 75k which I’ve managed to maintain. I feel so much better physically and mentally after a walk, especially one in scenic places. 

On a recent holiday, my partner and I walked 30,000 daily along the coastline which enabled me to enjoy glasses of wine and the odd dessert guilt free. Hikes in the Peak District that I used to struggle to get my breath on are now a breeze, demonstrating how much my fitness has improved.

My life is so much more than work, eat, sleep.  Instead of eating takeaways and drinking wine after work, I go out for a long walk or do a workout class.  I’ve binned all my old clothes and bought outfits that make me feel good about myself.

The boost to my self-esteem sees me presenting more confidently in meetings and my aches and pains are a thing of the past.  Despite working less hours, I feel more energetic and productive.

I’m halfway to the weight I want to be, but this last year with Livewell has helped me to develop sustainable habits that will enable me to get there.”

Livewell advisor, Kirsty Freeman added:

“Jill has been a pleasure to support, she has made so many changes that will benefit her health long term and it’s great to see her reaping the rewards. She is an example to us all that it is not selfish to prioritise our own health and wellbeing and how doing so can make us happier and more productive.”

Jill’s Top Tips

Find exercise you enjoy – Livewell provides a unique opportunity to try an abundance of different classes for free!  Liking your type of exercise means you’re more likely to keep at it.  

Step away from your screen – if you’re a desk worker like me go for a lunch break walk, it breaks up the day and you’ll feel so much better for it.

Develop a healthy mindset – there’s no such thing as good or bad foods.  It’s all about how much and how often you eat them.  I do some activity to offset the calories when having a glass of wine or a pudding. 

Accountability is key to success – being accountable to your advisor helps you stick to healthy habits so go to the weekly drop-ins and reply to the enewsletters.  Once those habits become routine, switch to taking ownership so you’re personally accountable.

Get support from fellow clients – everyone is in the same boat so lean on each other to reach your goals.  We created a Whatsapp group and the words of encouragement from my Livewell friends really helped me through the challenging times.