
lose weight

Losing weight can be difficult, keeping it off is even harder. We’ll give you all the support and encouragement you need so you can shed the pounds sensibly and maintain the new you. Our group-based programme includes exercise sessions, healthy eating advice and continual support.

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Client of the Month Emma with advisor, Andy

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All about you

The effects of quick-fix diets often don’t last, as faddy eating habits are not sustainable longer term. Livewell takes a life-long approach to eating and exercise and helps you find ways to reduce your portion sizes without feeling hungry.  If you're ready to make lasting lifestyle changes then we can give you the support to succeed.

Our team really cares about your health goals.  They’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

In return, we expect all our clients to attend three-monthly group review sessions where you can meet like minded people, get support if you're struggling, take part in themed discussions and hopefully get a pat on the back for the progress you're making.  Many clients claim they make 'friends for life' on our programmes. 

We strongly recommended that you read our Client FAQs and look at the Client Activity Programme on this page to see if the programme is for you before applying.

Livewell is funded to help as many individuals as possible in Derby to live a healthier lifestyle.  Due to high demand for weight management programmes, Livewell cannot accept applications from people who have already completed a 12-month Livewell or b-You weight management plan.

What are we offering 

  • Ten weekly meetings to get you started on a tailored weight management plan.  
  • Weekly drop-ins to discuss your progress, get weighed and ask questions.
  • Regular support and encouragement to help you self monitor weight, eating and activity levels.
  • Group support with like-minded people, to share and learn from each other.
  • Fun exercise sessions, led walks, courses and wellbeing workshops.
  • Access to Council leisure centres (gym and classes) once a commitment to losing weight is demonstrated.
  • Support to help manage any specific medical conditions alongside losing weight.
  • Check out the Client Activity Programme at the bottom of this page to see the range of exercise and support sessions on offer.  

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Image of women laughing at a Livewell exercise class

Client resources

Client Activity Programme

Exercise sessions, walks, drop-ins, C25k, courses and workshops.

Related resources
Image of Livewell shirt

Client resources

Weight Management FAQs

Your questions answered about our Weight Management Programme.

Related resources
Image of walking group on a bridge

Client resources

Livewell Group Walks

Free and friendly led walks - open to everyone.