Rebecca's perinatal story

May Client of the Month

Livewell May client of the Month, Rebecca with advisor Emma

Rebecca has lost 3 stone and is feeling fitter than ever

Rebecca joined Livewell in 2022 after medical professionals suggested that losing weight could improve the management of her asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Fast forward 20 months, Rebecca is now a proud mum to a ten-month-old baby boy and feels fitter and better than ever.  She credits Livewell’s Perinatal Advisor, Emma Winchester for the major improvements in her health.

Despite losing three stone and 22% of her body weight, Rebecca (39) shares: “It’s not the numbers on the scale but how I feel that really matters.  Making lasting lifestyle changes that have benefitted my CFS symptoms is what really changed my life.”

Here she explains why health has been her biggest motivational factor.

Prioritizing health

“I started Livewell with low expectations and a cynical outlook from fad diets I’d tried before that just didn’t work. However, I’d heard good things about Livewell, so I felt I had nothing to lose by giving it go.

I quickly realized Livewell was different.  It wasn’t just about losing weight, but about improving my overall health and well-being. 

The new starter meetings were welcoming and useful. Like a lot of people, I know the basics of healthy eating, but the information was delivered in a non-judgmental way that encouraged us to chat, share ideas and build healthier habits.  As a busy mum with a toddler and battling chronic fatigue, I liked Livewell’s realistic approach.  It focused on the health benefits of being active and eating well rather than shedding weight for appearance purposes.

An extra reason for specialist support

Just a couple of weeks in, I discovered I was pregnant!  Luckily, I was transferred to Emma and the fantastic perinatal programme, which supports women to be healthy and well during and after pregnancy.

Despite terrible morning sickness, Emma checked in regularly, recommended stomach-friendly foods and suggested pregnancy yoga once the sickness passed.

Early in my second trimester, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which meant a complete change to my diet.  Armed with useful advice, Emma gave me helpful breakfast alternatives and meal ideas to keep my blood sugar levels in check. 

I was worried about losing body fat during pregnancy, but my midwife assured me that baby was getting everything he needed.

Finally feeling well enough to join in on pregnancy yoga was amazing.  It’s a lovely and relaxing class that helps ease aches and pains whilst building strength safely.  I enjoyed meeting other mums-to-be, sharing our experiences and chatting with Emma.

Exercising as a new mother

In June 2023 I welcomed my beautiful boy into the world, a brother to my then three-year-old son.  After a C-section delivery, I took the time to recover and regain strength.  Emma stayed in regular contact and invited me to the Mum and Baby Yoga session at Moorways once I felt ready.

Perfect for new mums, this flexible and friendly class allowed me to tend to my baby’s needs whilst taking part in gentle yoga moves and bonding with him.  Now that my boy is more mobile, I go to Legs Bums and Tums in Darley Park.  He smiles away in his pushchair whilst I work out with other mums and it’s completely fine if one of us needs to feed, change or soothe our babies at any of the post-natal sessions. 

I lost a lot of weight quickly after the birth, due to the restricted diet of breast feeding a baby with allergies.  But after consulting with Emma, I increased my calorie intake in a healthy way which boosted my energy levels. Now my weight loss is more gradual, but sustainable and I feel great. Getting closer to my goal weight, my BMI has dropped a whole category. 

Feeling the benefits

Reassuringly, being a healthy weight lowers my risk of serious illness like type 2 diabetes, especially after having gestational diabetes.

In the more immediate term, I’m feeling healthier, managing my chronic fatigue better and able to do more with the children. 

Emma and the team have been so understanding and supportive.  The best part?  Being able to bring baby along to exercise sessions and drop-ins. Little ones don’t stick to a timetable and having the flexibility to take part as a new mum makes it such a worthwhile programme.” 

Livewell’s Perinatal Specialist Advisor, Emma Winchester said:

“Rebecca has done amazingly well, and I am very proud of the fantastic improvements in her health and wellbeing. Managing a diagnosis of gestational diabetes and maintaining breastfeeding with a restrictive diet can be challenging, however, Rebecca has put hers and her baby’s health first from the beginning and the results have paid off for her and her family. 
Rebecca has got involved with all aspects of the perinatal programme and has embraced healthy eating and activity that have been right and timely for her goals. It has been a pleasure to support her on this journey, well done Rebecca.”

Are you pregnant or a new mum and concerned about your health?

Find out more about our caring Perinatal Weight Management Programme.

Emma before and after her weight loss

Rebecca before and after her weight loss