Pauline's story

Reduced her risk of falling thanks to support from Forever Active and the Mickleover Postural Stability class

Forever active client Pauline in a stability class

Pauline loves the Mickleover Postural Stability class because it’s fun, inclusive and has helped her to reduce her risk of falling.  She was introduced to the class by the Forever Active programme which supports older adults to enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity by making it apart of every day life. 

Find out the class has helped Pauline to improve her balance, strength and confidence: 

What do you like about how the class is delivered?

“Well, I prefer it now that we sit in a big circle as it is more social than when we used sit in rows. You can see what other people are doing, I can see Ellie the instructor and she can see us. It’s an age thing, I’m one of the oldest. I had a fractured femur three years ago and I’m conscious I’m a bit wobbly. I like that I can see others and I can see how they’re moving so it helps me to judge where I’m at and how my own movement is. When we did the class in rows, I had someone tall in-front of me, so couldn’t see Ellie very well at all.”

Ellie’s class includes music and dance do you like this and if so, why?

“Yes, absolutely. In my teens I danced a lot, it brings back memories of that time. The music and dance give you impetus to do more, to move more. Everyone enjoys it, we’re all smiling. Enjoyment is the main thing and Ellie makes it so much fun!”

Have you noticed any positive impacts to your health, wellbeing and mobility since starting the class?

​​​​​​​“I’ve not fallen for a year! I honestly do believe this class has helped me tremendously. I went in the garden last week and before I knew it, I was squatting to reach a plan and I got back up! It’s given me more confidence in my ability, and I like that I’ve met new people.”

Can you give three words to describe the class?

“Enjoyable. Fun. Inclusive.”

How does Ellie’s class make a difference to your day?

“It lifts me up and wears me out!

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