Natalie's story

Mum of five, shares the simple lifestyle changes that helped her lose three stone 

Livewell July client of the month, Natalie with advisor, Andy

Having the right mindset makes all the difference

Busy mum, Natalie joined Livewell ten months ago and has since dropped 16% of her body weight.

She says that having the right mindset and being organised has helped her transform her life.

At the time, she suffered with arthritic joint pain and struggled to walk upstairs, never mind play with her children aged 9 to 18, four of whom have complex learning disabilities.

Natalie’s advisor, Andy was so impressed with her juggling so many emotional and physical challenges, that he nominated her for Livewell’s July Client of the Month award. 

He claims “if Natalie can make the time to focus on healthier habits, then anyone can.  She’s a fantastic example to anyone who says they don’t have time to exercise or prepare healthier meals.”

The 39-year-old gained weight after losing two close relatives and the breakdown of her marriage.  She moved to Derby five years ago and, like many people, piled on more pounds during the lockdowns.

The single mum from Allestree explains what it means to make time for herself and discover a new-found confidence as a healthier woman.

“I turned to food instead of dealing with my grief and isolation.  I was stuck in an unfamiliar city, not knowing anyone, and homeschooling five children with individual needs.

I’ve tried diet clubs, slimming pills and injections and had bouts of success, only to put even more weight back on and become depressed.

Last year, I hurt my leg cleaning and my GP suggested a referral to Livewell could help me lose weight to ease the pressure on my knee joints and therefore reduce the arthritic pain.  I agreed and I’m so glad I did.

Unsure at first, I joined the activation group at Springwood Leisure Centre.  Having a cervical cancer scare at the same time, my head was all over the place but once I got the all- clear, things started to turn around and I felt ready to embrace the programme fully.

Most of us know the basics of healthy eating but having it explained in greater and more meaningful detail is a gamechanger.  As a result, I’ve learned so much more about portion control, good and bad fats, sugar and salt.  Eating in moderation, cooking homemade meals, and consuming more fruit and vegetables are the main changes I’ve made, which are benefitting how we eat as a family.  It’s great to see the children trying new foods.

I still have a weekly takeaway but instead of having a large meal to myself, I’ll share one.  Treating myself to the odd dessert when eating out also means I don’t feel deprived.

Being judged and feeling insecure about being able to use the equipment properly were amongst my concerns when Andy suggested I try the gym.  I already enjoyed his circuits class on Mondays and felt ready to take the next step. Advisor, Casey allayed these fears during my induction and devised a plan to build my fitness, strength and mobility.

Now I work out in gym two to three times a week, walk, run short distances with the kids and keep to circuits every Monday.  As a consequence, I feel toned, and the regular exercise has helped massively with my mental health.

Exceeding my overall target for the Move IT Month step challenge in April, I was delighted to cover 15,000 steps on a family day trip to Blackpool, something I’d never have been able to do a year ago.

I’ve bought weights to use at home when I can’t get to the gym and it’s nice to see my changes rubbing off on my 18-year-old.  In fact, the healthier habits I’ve developed with Livewell are having a positive effect on us as a family overall.

Andy and the Livewell team are brilliant.  The five-minute chats of encouragement and advice at the weekly drop-ins have kept me going and I never would have thought I’d actually look forward to exercise!  I’m the healthiest I’ve been in years and thankfully my knees and shoulders no longer hurt. Physical activity is a wonder drug!

Parenting five children who rely on a regimented routine isn’t easy.  There’s never a week where things are simple.  But I’ve managed to find time for me. Livewell has opened new opportunities and is giving me a mental break from being a mum. I’m not just ‘Natalie, mum of five kids’, I’m a confident person and excited about the future for us all. The children are happy because I’m happy, our whole family dynamic has changed for the better.”

Natalie’s top tips to succeed

  • Be ready to change – if you’re not willing and open to forming new habits, it won’t work.
  • Park 5-10 mins away from school/shops/work – my children and I have short running races which is a good use of time when you’re time poor.
  • Try the gym – don’t be scared, trust in the friendly staff and other members, everyone is there for the same reason, and it is a great place to workout.
  • Stay in touch with the team – go to a weekly drop-in, message your advisor, speak to the team at classes.  Getting advice and motivation keeps you on track when things get difficult.