Hazel's story

Livewell client of the month, Hazel

76-year-old Hazel from Alvaston proves that age is not a barrier to weight loss, shedding over two stone in the last year with Livewell’s support.

Since adopting a healthier lifestyle, Hazel has improved her blood pressure and fitness whilst reducing her joint pain.

Her determination to stick to her goals despite the tragic loss of her husband and her painful arthritis, are the key reasons advisor Joe nominated Hazel for this month’s award.

Discover Hazel’s inspiring journey:

“My GP suggested losing weight could ease the arthritis pain in my right knee and recommended I join Livewell for support.

My husband Gerry egged me on to give it a go, so I rang the number.  The lovely lady at Livewell explained how it all worked but disappointingly mentioned a waiting list.  Imagine my delight when I received a call a couple of days later inviting me to take a cancellation which I eagerly snapped up!

Getting started

Stepping through the doors of St Mary’s Church Hall in Alvaston was daunting but I soon felt at ease. Advisors Joe and Yasmin were welcoming, the other clients friendly and I surprised myself by being able to do the exercise part of the session despite using a walking stick.

Joe and Yasmin encouraged us to set goals and try new things including the other exercise classes run by Livewell.  They never pushed or told us what to do - a refreshing change to the experiences of other diet groups I’d tried.

I looked forward to the social side of the meetings and, after 6 weeks, I lost 4lbs. Gerry was just as thrilled as me!

My lowest point

It was at this point that my husband’s health took a downward spiral and he tragically passed away in just a couple of weeks.  After 55 years of marriage, I was heartbroken.

Taking a bit of time away I returned to the St Mary’s drop-in for a chat with Joe and Yasmin. They were sympathetic to my grief and gently encouraged me to try the low impact class at St Mary’s. I knew Gerry wouldn’t want me to give up, so I gave it go and was so glad I did!  The support of other clients helped me get back on track.

Moving forwards

Joe suggested I join The Move IT Month Challenge in April and supported me every step of the way (no pun intended!)  I imagined my husband saying ‘you can do this’ so despite the pain, I laced up my shoes, took my dog along for company and walked whenever I could, clocking up 504,920 steps during the month – the biggest number by all 116 people taking part.  Not bad for an older lady with arthritis! 

Moving more is just one element of a healthier lifestyle.  Through Livewell I learnt about the importance of drinking two litres of water a day not just to keep hydrated but for lubricating my joints and muscles.

I’ve swapped biscuits for pears and plums from my garden and found I don’t hanker after sweet snacks any more.  I love growing my own produce – it’s lovely to pick fresh runner beans, carrots and veg whenever I need it.

Sadly, my left knee is now also arthritic, but I grit my teeth and get on with it.  Research shows exercise can reduce the pain of arthritis and improve function – and I’ve found this to be the case.  I’ve continued to walk as much as possible alongside 20 minutes of physio exercises every morning and evening.

Feeling the benefits

Now I’m carrying less weight and two dress sizes smaller, I sleep better, feel less tired and have buckets more energy.

The doctor is delighted with the improvements to my health.  At my medication review, my previously high blood pressure was normal, and my glucose levels and cholesterol had reduced.  He told me to keep up the good work! 

I still have a stone to go to get to my target weight, but I have all the tools and am determined to do it.

People I bump into who I haven’t seen for months say I look amazing and can’t believe my age.  My daughter says I should be extremely proud of myself. It’s nice to get complements!

I really enjoyed my Livewell journey and if I can do it at my time of life, anyone can.  I recommend the service to all my friends and family and am pleased some of them have joined to experience the benefits too. “

Livewell advisor, Joe Wilkinson added:

“Hazel has taken up every opportunity to change her lifestyle, attending a wide variety of Livewell sessions.  She tried exercises she didn’t expect to be able to do and became more comfortable as time went on.  After the activation meetings, Hazel continued the drop-in sessions and classes weekly and developed her mobility and fitness as a result. Hazel’s achievement is proof that age needn’t be a barrier to improving health, strength and fitness.  It has been a pleasure to work with her.”

It’s never too late: Hazel’s five healthy tips for any age

Don’t keep it in the house – skip the biscuit and cake aisles at the supermarket.  Having sugary snacks in the house makes it more tempting to overindulge.

Increase your water intake – I have a water bottle by my side all day and flavour it with slices of lemon but you can add any fruit to suit your taste.

Be open minded – have a go and try new things, you might find a type of exercise or new healthy recipe you enjoy!

Listen to the advisors – take on board their recommendations – 9/10 times it worked for me so it will probably work for you too!

Ask others – Livewell provides opportunities for clients in similar situations to pool ideas through the Facebook support group or at the real-life sessions.  I’ve asked and shared advice with those like me waiting for knee replacements.