who can join?
- Smokers aged 18 and over
- Registered to a Derby GP practice and/or a Derby resident
- Young people aged 12 to 17 who want to stop smoking can email [email protected] to join
- People with any communication needs including those who require a BSL interpreter can email [email protected] to book an appointment.
All about you
Join the thousands of people in Derby who have used Livewell to help them quit for good. Giving up is probably the greatest single step you can take to improve your health and it's never too late to quit even if you've tried numerous times before. The good news is that as soon as you stop smoking, the risks of serious diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and dementia start going down. Another bonus is the money you will save!
Livewell is actively working to provide access to these stop smoking prescription medications, although a confirmed start date is not yet available. Additional updates will be posted on the Livewell website in Spring 2025.
What are we offering
- Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy products (vapes, patches, gum, mouth spray, lozenges) for up to 10 weeks.
- Prescription medications Varenicline (Champix) and Cytisine are not currently available (see info opposite)
- Personalised telephone/online support for up to 12 months.
- Stop Smoking Drop-ins for extra support, Carbon Monoxide testing and collecting treatments.
- Invaluable tips and guidance to beat cravings and prevent setbacks.
useful resources
Client resources
Stop Smoking Drop-ins
Get support and pick up treatments from our friendly team.
Client resources
Vape Collection Drop-ins
Pick up vape starter kits, e-liquids and other nicotine products.
Client resources
Vaping to Stop Smoking FAQs
Answers and facts on vaping, based on scientific evidence and research.