Local celebrity Umar supports NHS Health Check campaign

Umar having an NHS Health Check

TV personality, Umar Siddiqui is urging Derby people aged 40 and over invited for their NHS Health Check to book their appointment.

The 46-year-old biomedical scientist, who is part of Derby’s most recognisable family on Gogglebox, had his appointment at the Florence Nightingale Community Hospital with the Council’s Livewell service last month after receiving a letter.

The free NHS Health Check is available to people aged 40 to 74 every five years. It can lower people’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and (certain types of) dementia.

Only 40 per cent of those invited to attend an NHS Health Check in Derby take the time to do so.  And people from South Asian communities are up to six times more likely to have type 2 diabetes and three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, putting them at higher risk of serious health problems. 

That’s why Umar is encouraging everyone eligible, but especially those of Asian heritage, to take up the important check, as he explains:

“With a healthcare science background, I appreciate the value of free preventative opportunities like the NHS Health Check in getting an early diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes, stroke or kidney disease, which often have silent warning signs. 

The check includes personalised health advice and access to specialist support like Livewell’s stop smoking or weight management programmes.

The risk of heart disease is up to 50 per cent higher in South Asian men, which is why males of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan origins need to book their appointment.

The good news is that by making simple diet and physical activity changes, you can lower your risk and live healthier for longer.”

To find out more about NHS Health Checks, ask your GP or book with Livewell here




Feb 2024

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