The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and a time when many Muslims across the world fast during daylight hours for 29-30 days. The Islamic calendar is lunar and so Ramadan falls at a slightly earlier time in the year each year. In 2025 it is expected to start on Friday 28 February.
Muslims taking part in Ramadan do not eat or drink anything during daylight hours, eating one meal (the ‘suhoor’ or ‘sehri’) just before dawn and another (the ‘iftar’) after sunset. The end of Ramadan is marked by ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’, the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. A special celebratory meal is eaten during the festival, the first daytime meal for a month.
Livewell advisor, Rania has created these helpful tips to help Muslims feel healthy and well during Ramadan.
Do not skip breakfast (suhur) - it's an important opportunity to nourish your body and keep hydrated. Eat a healthy breakfast (suhur) filled with high fibre which gives you slow releasing energy throughout the day to help prevent tiredness and constipation. Porridge is a great start and provides fluid as it's made with milk or water. Try adding dates for energy, seeds such as chia seeds for healthy fats and black cumin to boost your immune system.
If you're a lover of caffeinated drinks, try to reduce your intake at least two weeks before Ramadan starts to reduce withdrawl symptoms. A sudden drop in caffeine can often cause headaches, irritability and drowsiness.
Avoid high sugar appetisers, open your fast with dates and water to increase energy as well as fruit salads or healthier soups. Try to include hydrating fruits and vegetables such as melon, strawberries, and oranges and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Try airfrying or baking instead of deep frying your food to use less fat and reduce your calorie intake.
Use the Eat Well Guide (with culturally appropriate food) to get a balance of healthier more sustained foods from across the different food groups.
Don’t over eat when you open fast, this can slow you down and can make you feel sluggish. After a day of fasting discipline, resist this instinct and aim to eat in moderation.
Drink plenty of water ideally 2-3 litres at iftar (opening the fast) to suhur (breakfast) and make sure you drink slowly and gradually throughout the night as well as choosing low sugar fluids to keep your blood sugar stable. Opt for fluid-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables, yogurt, soups and stews.
Reduce salt in your diet, salt can make you thirsty, which will make the fast harder during the day.
Make sure you fit in physical activity, even just a small bout of 10 minutes – for example, stretches after fajr (Morning Prayer) or 10 minutes’ walk before opening the fast. Livewell's You Tube channel offers a variety of home workouts for different fitness levels.
The Ramadan Recharge campaign website offers ideas, resources and local activities to help you enjoy every day movement to boost wellbeing.
Exercising before opening the fast will reduce your appetite and craving for unhealthier fatty and sugary foods.
Take the strength and discipline developed during fasting to give up smoking. Livewell's friendly and supportive stop smoking service can help you to quit successfully.
Look after your mental health by practising mindfulness through spirituality and meditation.
Make sure you have plenty of rest and get regular, consistent sleep. It's unlikely you'll get 7-8 hours in one go so chunk your sleep into two 3-4 hour stints. The first one after last prayer of the day, waking up for suhur. After morning prayer you may be able to get a further 3-4 hours before the alarm goes off for work/school. Establishing a sleep routine you can stick to will help you stay alert, active and feeling well during the day.
Fasting with a health condition
Diabetes and Ramadan - information from Diabetes UK
How to have a healthy Ramadan when you have a heart condition - information from British Heart Foundation
Fasting with a lung condition - information from Asthma and Lung UK
Fasting and blood cancer - information from Blood Cancer UK